Lash extension lengths are always one of the three most important factors that you need to consider when choosing eyelash extensions for your clients, besides the thickness and curvature of the lashes. So why do you need to choose the right eyelash extension length, and what tips will make it easier? The answer we prepared for you will be right below. Let’s find out.

1. Why is choosing the right lash extension lengths important?

Why is choosing the right lash extension lengths important?

Usually, many clients will need your help to improve the defects of their eyes. And one of the problems that most clients want to emphasise is that their eyelash length is not as desired, which may also be why they come to you. Think about it when you choose thick, glossy, and slightly curled lashes for your clients, all of which are perfect except for the length.

Their natural eyelashes are too short, and to improve that, you need to choose eyelash extensions with the right length to help your clients’ eyes become more soulful and beautiful. Therefore, when choosing eyelash extensions for clients, besides the curvature and thickness of the lashes, you should also remember the length of the lashes.

2. Tips for choosing the right lash extension lengths for your clients

Sometimes you will be confused when choosing the right eyelash extension length for your client, but you can use the tips below to make advising clients easier.

Tips for choosing the right lash extension lengths for your clients

– You should not accommodate all of your clients into one length

As previously said, every one of your clients will have unique face traits, which means their lash length and eye shape will be unique. If you apply the same length eyelash extensions to all of your clients’ lashes, you’ll notice a strange discomfort. Better still, arm yourself with various eyelash extensions in various lengths. That is the most effective technique for you to enhance the beauty of your various clients’ eyelashes with eyelash extensions of the appropriate length. One of your clients, for example, has 11mm natural lashes, while the other has 6mm real lashes. Indeed, you cannot put lash extensions of the same 13mm length to both of these clients’ natural eyelashes. Instead, for 6mm natural eyelashes, an eyelash extension length of 8mm will be the best option.

– Consider the length of the eyelash extensions in relation to the thickness of your client’s lashes

The heaviness and discomfort in the eyelids is reported to be one of the most difficult challenges for clients when putting on eyelash extensions. There are a variety of reasons for this, but one of the most typical is that you applied for overly thick eyelash extensions instead of what your client required. Applying eyelashes that are too thick and long will make clients who have very weak eyelashes or who have recently received eyelash extensions for the first time uncomfortable. It’s important to note that if you want long eyelashes, you should choose eyelashes with a short thickness and vice versa. The lashes’ weight will no longer impede your client’s natural lashes, and they will feel more at ease with their new eyelash extensions.

– The curvature of the eyelash extensions should not be overlooked

The curvature of the eyelash extensions should not be overlooked

When choosing lash extension lengths for your client, consider the curvature of the eyelash extension and thickness. Many clients believe that choosing extensions with a higher curvature will make their lashes appear longer. This is a common misunderstanding. Eyelashes with enormous curls, on the other hand, do not affect the length of the lashes. As a result, when talking with clients, you can inquire about the eyelash extensions’ curve and length to choose the best solution for them. Make sure you thoroughly examine the properties of lash extensions curvature for your client. The overall aesthetic value of the full set of eyelash extensions that you execute for your client is highly influenced by the curvature and length of the eyelash extensions. So, if a client wants a set of long and curled eyelashes, you can recommend moderate solutions to avoid having their lashes fall down or curl strangely.

– Follow the 3mm rule

Follow the 3mm rule

Last but not least, the 3mm rule should be followed at all times. What does the 3mm rule entail? The 3mm guideline states that extensions should not be more than 3mm longer than your client’s natural lashes. If you put eyelash extensions longer than 3mm or 4mm in comparison to the natural lashes, you risk interfering with their natural growth and causing damage. As a result, while selecting eyelash extensions for clients, always keep the 3mm rule in mind.

We hope the above information about lash extension lengths will help you in your work. Please contact us if you have any questions.

At LLBA Professional, we work hard to be the best allies in your journey to enhance your lashing experience

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